10 Facts about Venezuelan Poodle Moth You Need to Know

In this edition of uncovering mystical creatures, we will look into yet another breathtaking being, hidden deep inside the caves of the Earth, The Venezuelan Poodle Moth. This bizarre and cute looking creature is guaranteed to take your breath away. 1. What Does The Poodle Moth Look Like? They have a furry body, similar to … Read more

The Countess of Castiglione, aristocrat who achieved notoriety as a mistress of Emperor Napoleon III

the countess of castiglionea

Name : Virginia Elisabetta Luisa Carlotta Antonietta Teresa Maria OldoïniBirth : 22 March 1837Death : 28 November 1899Title : The Countess of CastiglioneHusband : Francesco VerasisChildren : Giorgio Verasis di Castiglione Virginia Oldoini, infamously known as The Countess of Castiglione, was a femme fatale, and an icon in her time, breaking traditional stereotypes, turning eyes … Read more

How do Lobsters Communicate? | A Bizarre Fact That Will Blow Your Mind

Drawing a Parallel Human beings, among other vertebrates, are known to be gifted with the art of communicating with one another, be it verbal, written or nonverbal cues. This particular trait of ours makes us superior, as compared to the rest of the animal kingdom. However, Scientists and Researchers have stumbled across a new and … Read more