Why Did Prometheus Steal Fire?

Short Answer Prometheus steals fire to give it back to humans after Zeus took fire away from man. According to the greek mythology Zeus decreed that for every sacrifice that man made to the gods, the sacrifice should be split into two portions one for man and one for god. Here Prometheus decided to trick … Read more

ARCHIMEDES – The Greatest Mathematician and Inventor

Intro Archimedes of Syracuse, Italy is the most famous mathematician, inventor, physicist, engineer and an astronomer in ancient Greece. Archimedes is a man who was both, of his time and far ahead of his time.  He was born in Greek city of Syracuse in approximately 287 BC.  In the third century BC, Syracuse was a … Read more

Portuguese Man O’ War (Physalia) | The Floating Terror

Portuguese Man O’ War

Overview the Portuguese man o’ war also known by its binomial name Physalia physalis. It is usually mistaken for a jellyfish, but it actually belongs to a species of siphonophore, a group of animals that are closely related to jellyfish. The name Portuguese man o’ war springs from the uppermost popular polyp, a gas filled … Read more